Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Reflective on Customer Relationship Management Strategy Case Study

Reflective on Customer Relationship Management Strategy - Case Study Example Specifically, the report attempts to narrate the background of the necessity of a CRM plan from the company's perspective and objectives for which CRM plan was developed. Furthermore, I have tried to portray the challenges that the company has faced and the prescribed the ways to overcome those challenges. The essay is concluded with my experience of doing an informative project and the lessons I learned out of my experience. Now, I feel that if I had been given little more time for completion, the project would have been much better. The CRM project has bee done as a part of my curriculum in the Business System Integration Coursework for the week 5-10. The project has been completed in association with other students who have been selected for the group to which I belong. The assigned project was to prepare a CRM plan and Implementation strategy for a big company- Alcatel Company, which has been in telecom and entertainment industry for last several years. The main aim of the project was to provide a practical exposure to the students as to how integrating business system works and how effectively CRM strategies can be framed and implemented. Apart from that, it attempts to equip the students with the knowledge and experience about teamwork and communication skills. The work starts with situation analysis of the company to know about where it stands and where it wants to reach and what is the difference between the two states. After analyzing the background of the company, the next task was to propose a CRM plan and implementation strategy so that the company can overcome its present problems and challenges. The work has touched almost all functional areas, which have a bearing upon the CRM plan and its implementation. The project was concluded with suggestions and recommendations to further improve the CRM plan effectiveness and reach the goal of customer loyalty and sustainability. All efforts have been put to make the work most efficiently and contributing prosperity to the company.Aims and Objectives 1. To enhance the knowledge about Business System Integration To get acquainted with how to formulate and implement CRM strategies Apply CRM concepts to real-life business situations 2. To realize the effectiveness of teamwork in contrast to working in isolation and develop team working skill The group emphasized on teamwork and every decision was taken in consultation with all team members Held meetings regularly to discuss difficulties, solutions, plans, and processes3. To undertake the assignment in a professional manner and complete it successfully Devote enough time to come up with the best CRM strategy appropriate for the company Extensive research of books, articles and other secondary sources on CRM implementation.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Educational Technology in the Classroom Essay Example for Free

Educational Technology in the Classroom Essay The face of pedagogy has evolved through time with the emergence of the technological age in the 19th century. As new technologies have been developed in order to enhance and produce efficient working environments, educational institutions, especially early childhood education, have slowly adapted several technological tools in order to facilitate the teaching-learning process. Learning available technological advancements in early childhood education (ECE) and understanding how to incorporate them in the teaching process interests me because of the complex and specialized characteristic of ECE. Children are always curious about the things around them, that is why they love exploring and discovering things that are new to them. Applying technology in the classroom setting would be instrumental in teaching them many concepts that would be difficult to teach in the real-life environment. Moreover, employing technology would allow teachers to design challenging instructional materials that may be easily accessed by children. Synopsis One Buckleitner, W. (2000). â€Å"Techno Tools for Assessment. † Teaching with Technology. ProQuest Education Journals. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from ProQuest LLC. Website: http://proquest. umi. com. ezproxy. aut. ac. nz/pqdweb? index=4sid=2srchmode=1vinst=PRODfmt=6startpage=-1clientid=7961vname=PQDRQT=309did=62927618scaling=FULLts=1207829807vtype=PQDrqt=309TS=1207829837clientId=7961 (1) This article emphasizes the importance of technology in tracking and monitoring the growth and progress of children within the educational institution. It asserts that making use of technology allows the teacher to properly document the developments of each child, with the use of pictures and videos for instance, in order to involve and show the parents each milestone that their children accomplish in the school. Technology is also relevant during the assessment phase. The author continues to list several technological tools that from the lowest priced to the highly expensive, while still remaining important in assessing the developments within each child. Cameras, whether disposable, Polaroid, or digital, as well as digital video cameras, are useful in documenting the activities that children get involved in within the school. This would help in showing the parents how their children have grown from day one until the end of classroom instruction. Cassette recorders may be used to record sounds, such as songs, poems, and sounds learned throughout the year, in order to know what new knowledge they have learned regarding sound reproduction and music. Scanners may be used to keep records of pictures and artworks that children have made all throughout the year. This would help in assessing the creativity of each child. Communication with the parents at home may be facilitated by establishing an online website where the teacher and the parents may contact each other. Moreover, online websites may be used to send newsletters and other information that are in a need-to-know basis for the parents. (2) This article is important for teachers who want to learn about simple and affordable technologies to use in the classroom setting. Cameras, video cameras, scanners, sound recorders, and online websites, are simple devices that teachers can easily use. Moreover, assessment and evaluation has gone up a higher level with the options of using technologies, as well as in involving the parents with the education of their child. (3) The technological gadgets suggested by the author benefits the learner, although they do not get to explore and manipulate each gadget, because it focuses on the assessment phase of learning which assists in the identification of needs, demands and follow-throughs of children. Moreover, parents get involved in the education of their children, allowing them to know how they can assist in teaching their children more at home. (4) These technologies may be implemented by providing sound recorders for each student from the beginning of the class and let them record sounds that they have never learned before. During activities, which bring out their skills and abilities, the teacher should be able to take pictures and videos for documentation. Paper works done by the students should all be scanned accordingly for records sake and assessment in the future. At the end of the teaching instruction, the online website should be put up in the World Wide Web, and communicated to the parents in order for them to gain access to the website and start communicating with the teacher whenever possible. Synopsis Two Scoter, J. V. , Ellis, D. , Railsback, J. (2001). â€Å"Technology in Early Childhood Education. † Northwest Regional Educational Technology. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from NETC. Website: http://www. netc. org/earlyconnections/byrequest. pdf (1) The research study has explored the pros and cons of the employment of technology to early childhood education. The argument lies on the capacity of technological tools to provide for the basic needs of children, including their physical, social, emotional, mental, and language development needs. However, researchers could not deny the contributions that technology will make for facilitating teaching and learning for early childhood education. These contributions being teaching children how to learn by autonomy, wherein they learn by doing things by themselves, and the visualization of difficult concepts to teach and for children to grasp. The different developmental stages in early childhood education are also discussed in order to identify the goals and needs of children in each stage. The author continues to discuss several technologies to accomplish these goals and needs. The computer is the most important technological tool that should be used in early childhood education. Moreover, several softwares are available for computers, such as softwares that may be used in constructing examinations, drills, and practice tests. (2) The information in this article is important for teachers who wants to understand the benefits and advantages of technological tools within the classroom. This would assist them in making evenhanded decisions on whether to employ technological use for classroom instruction. Moreover, teachers who want to utilize technology within the classroom setting are informed of the goals and objectives of each child developmental stage in order to design technologies that are able to meet these goals and objectives. (3) The technology discussed in the article, such as the computer and software programs benefit the learner because of wide-range activities that it can develop for learners, such as drills and tests. This would allow teachers to produce numerous automated exams that would help students widen their knowledge and exercise their minds in order to retain information learned throughout classroom instruction. Moreover, computers are able to provide numerous functions such as music, videos, pictures, access to the internet, multimedia applications, language assistive technologies, etc. (4) Implementing what I read from the article takes time and careful planning. Planning should be done to lay out activities that will be suitable for particular developmental stages in children. After planning, the teacher is now ready to incorporate technologies according to the level of understanding and need of each child. This would be established by teaching children the basics of the computer and letting them handle it for better learning and understanding. Synopsis Three Wilford, S. (2007). â€Å"Tuning in to Tech. † Scholastic Early Childhood Today. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from ProQuest Education Journals. Website: http://proquest. umi. com. ezproxy. aut. ac. nz/pqdweb? index=12sid=1srchmode=1vinst=PRODfmt=6startpage=-1clientid=7961vname=PQDRQT=309did=1257130811scaling=FULLts=1207834444vtype=PQDrqt=309TS=1207834584clientId=7961 (1) The proper implementation of technology, so as to ensure positive learning outcomes, is the focus of this article. The author acknowledges the fact that technology does hold negative learning outcomes, especially to young children. In addition, the author continues to discuss the inadequacy of technologies if used improperly and minimally. Therefore, the author reveals steps or guidelines for making the most of the positive effects on learning that technologies may yield to early childhood education. These steps or guidelines include the use of clear digital images with large informative captions, images that show children who display moral values that students might learn, records of visuals and creative works done by students in the computer and student portfolios, taking videos of meaningful activities, and videos of theatrical performances done by children in order for them to imitate and gain insights about acting and being creative. (2) The article is relevant in reminding teachers on how to properly use technologies due to the fact that when these technological devices are used inadequately, then it will yield negative learning outcomes for young children. Aside from reminding teachers of this valuable information, it also provides important tips on how to maximize technology and utilize it appropriately. (3) This valuable piece of information benefits the learner in such a way that it educates the teacher. Educating teachers, especially on the proper use of technology, is significant in teaching with the use of technology properly, therefore, resulting to positive learning outcomes. (4) Implementing this piece of information in classroom instruction starts with committing such information to memory in order to remind oneself of how to use technology effectively in the classroom. Synopsis Four Hertzog, N. Klein, M. (2005). â€Å"Beyond Gaming: A Technology Explosion in Early Childhood Classrooms. † Gifted Child Today. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from ProQuest Education Journal. Website: http://proquest. umi. com. ezproxy. aut. ac. nz/pqdweb? index=43sid=1srchmode=1vinst=PRODfmt=6startpage=-1clientid=7961vname=PQDRQT=309did=872146761scaling=FULLts=1207837036vtype=PQDrqt=309TS=1207837110clientId=7961 (1) The focus of the research paper is to identify and reveal the importance of technology for the early childhood classroom and the benefits that they provide for the children. Several examples were given in order to illustrate real life situations wherein the incorporation of technology in classroom instruction was successful. UPS is an educational institution, which utilizes technology during classroom instruction. The institution attests to the positive learning outcomes that technologies yield within the children. Aside from the children, the teachers also benefit from the functions that technology provide to facilitate teaching and lighten their burden of keeping records and assessing the children’s growth and development. Moreover, technologies also enhance communication lines of the educational institution with the parents. Indeed, the children’s use of technology have gone beyond only gaming to learning valuable concepts that technology offers. (2) I think the article takes on a general approach to the study of technology as a means of facilitating learning for early childhood education. Not only does it discuss the benefits of technology on children, but also its positive effects to teachers and the parents as stakeholders who are involved with the education of young learners. Through this article, children, teachers, and parents learn to appreciate the benefits and advantages that technology provides in order to enhance the learning of their children. Moreover, other educational institutions may learn from the testimonies of UPS. (3) This article does not particularly talk about a certain technology that benefits the learner but it discusses the importance of technology in order to provide meaningful and challenging learning experiences to children. Moreover, it informs people on the importance of technology to the holistic development of children, professional career of teachers, and the involvement of parents to education. (4) The article talks about the need for educational institutions to implement technological tools itself and does not illustrate how to implement them. For educational institutions who are deciding whether to incorporate technology into their classroom instructions shall be guided by the advantages it would provide for learners, teachers and parents. Thus, encouraging them to implement technology when possible in order to promote quality learning. Bibliography Buckleitner, W. (2000). â€Å"Techno Tools for Assessment. † Teaching with Technology. ProQuest Education Journals. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from ProQuest LLC. Website: http://proquest. umi. com. ezproxy. aut. ac. nz/pqdweb? index=4sid=2srchmode=1vinst=PRODfmt=6startpage=-1clientid=7961vname=PQDRQT=309did=62927618scaling=FULLts=1207829807vtype=PQDrqt=309TS=1207829837clientId=7961 Hertzog, N. Klein, M. (2005). â€Å"Beyond Gaming: A Technology Explosion in Early Childhood Classrooms. † Gifted Child Today. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from ProQuest Education Journal. Website: http://proquest. umi. com. ezproxy. aut. ac. nz/pqdweb? index=43sid=1srchmode=1vinst=PRODfmt=6startpage=-1clientid=7961vname=PQDRQT=309did=872146761scaling=FULLts=1207837036vtype=PQDrqt=309TS=1207837110clientId=7961 Scoter, J. V. , Ellis, D. , Railsback, J. (2001). Technology in Early Childhood Education. Northwest Regional Educational Technology. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from NETC. Website: http://www. netc. org/earlyconnections/byrequest. pdf Wilford, S. (2007). â€Å"Tuning in to Tech. † Scholastic Early Childhood Today. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from ProQuest Education Journals. Website: http://proquest. umi. com. ezproxy. aut. ac. nz/pqdweb? index=12sid=1srchmode=1vinst=PRODfmt=6startpage=-1clientid=7961vname=PQDRQT=309did=1257130811scaling=FULLts=1207834444vtype=PQDrqt=309TS=1207834584clientId=7961

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Analysis of Shakespeares The Tempest - Heart Of The Savage :: free essay writer

The Tempest: The Heart Of The Savage Caliban the deformed savage on the island from his first appearance in the play is more animal than human. Prospero first refers to Caliban by calling him a, "tortoise" (1.2.318). This sets the tone for Caliban's character in the play as he is labeled as a semi-beast in the play. But interestingly despite Caliban's deformed body and animal like appearance he possess remarkable eloquence that gives him power. Prospero, a renaissance prince even with his velvety language only equals Caliban in eloquence. In some ways this dichotomy between Caliban's appearance in the play and his remarkable gift for language creates a magical and mysterious atmosphere in the play. It complicates the relationship between Caliban and Prospero for although Prospero claims to own his savage his savage speaks not like one who is owned. Caliban from his first appearance in the play speaks with a remarkable eloquence despite his deformed image, "As wicked dew as e'er my mother brushed/ With raven's feather from unwholsome fen/ Drop on you both!" (1.2.324-326). These lines show how Caliban speaks in the same eloquent tongue that Prospero speaks with. His lines are long and his words are filled with imagery: "wucked dew", "unwholesome fen", "raven's feather". Caliban doesn't in the play ever seem to be at a loss for words when describing his situation. Later in Act 1 Scene 2 Caliban describes how he once the island was his. Caliban acts like a tour guide for the reader describing the water, berries, toads, and beetles of the island. In this passage through language Caliban is able to once again recreate the past when he was not a slave. Caliban despite his position as a slave to Prospero in the physical world in the world of language, Caliban is Prospero's equal. Because of this when staging Caliban's passage we need to re-create this mysterious dynamic between Caliban and Prospero. Caliban must appear like beast more resembling and animal then a human being. But he should also exude a hidden power that befits his eloquent speech. In Act 3 Scene 2 Caliban speaks to Stefano and Trinculo with a magical rhythm that incorporates the images of dreams and air. Because of this when staging this scene Caliban should be a wild looking beast who speaks with a eloquent voice. In addition lights should be focussed on his huddled and animal like figure to give him the semblance of power.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Google vs. Msn Essay example -- Computers Internet Web Essays

Google vs. Msn One of the wonderful things about the internet is how it makes life much easier if the information can be found in the convenience of the home instead of going to a library and making a day out of it. This is especially true if the internet offers updated information as soon as it happens were as a library may only update a few things every week or month at a time. It is truly remarkable how much information can be found and because of this it isn’t unbelievable that more and more people are using the internet instead of going to a library or using another service the internet can offer them. However, without organization and direction information is useless. Search engines offer this stepping stone by storing all the data in a manor that is searchable. Two of the major search engines are and Both offer great search engines and services, but have different styles and appeal to different audiences looking for different things. At first glance it may appear Msn is better than Google because it offers much more links than Google does. However, a text box and a button is basically all the user needs to search for what s/he is looking for, everything else is extra. Therefore Google has the right idea; short and sweet. If the page is any more complicated then the user may not be good enough at a computer to figure out what to do, and a good computer user can certainly use it as well. Another thing that is very important about this is the more detail and pictures on a web page makes the web page take longer to load. Because of this users with a slow connection to the internet may have trouble getting around the web site if it takes them a minute or more to load each web page... ...e, so a search result with the same key words could return different results every time the user attempts to find the same thing. To make matters worst LookSmart isn’t the only search engine they use either. They use Teoma, Inktomi, and Overture as well, which have other ways of charging the web masters. Looking back, it seems Google has a simple search engine, but a much more effective one than Msn. Although Google offers a nice search engine it doesn’t have as many services as Msn and so the user may not come to the site because they can get more done on Msn without moving around much. It is clear Msn and Google use very different styles to present different users with what they are looking for and do a very good job of pulling it off. With Google and Msn at the user’s finger tips there is no longer need for a libraries or newspapers, to name a few.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Disadvantages of Playing Video Games Essay

In the last several years the interactive games have had an amazing development in terms of image quality and variety of games. This has led to children and adults spend more time gaming and less time sharing with their families and friends. There are many significant disadvantages of playing video games. First, electronic games might have a negative impact over personal physical health. Gamers become lazy because they do not exercise every day. For example, they often eat only junk foods while playing, so they can become obese. Besides that, players have weak muscles because they do not exercise continuously, so their physical condition decreases. Moreover, their visibility is reduced by the time they are exposed in front of TV. When competitors spend a lot of time playing interactive games, their eyesight is damaged; as a result, they might need glasses. If gamers’ visibility decreases they have terrible headaches every day; consequently, they do not can sleep efficiently. The second disadvantage is that video games negatively affect the mental health of the people. Players can have a game addiction so they reduced contact with the environment. Playing electronic games loses the competitors interest in doing their daily activities such as hobbies or sports; thus, they do not perform outdoor activities. Furthermore, gamers’ attitude changes with the interactive games because they can be isolated, so they lack social interaction with their families and friends. Additionally, the children behavior can be affected by the excessive gaming because they do not difference between real life and in-game life. When a kid often plays video games, he wants to respond to any problem like his favorite character in the game, so this promotes his violence. Also, electronic games might produce mood swings in very young people; as a result, they have problems behavior in stress situation. Finally, players are irresponsible because do not mind their duties. The students fail in the exams so they repeat the grade. If learners do not do their homework, they do not practice enough their classes; thus, they have a low mark in their test. Besides that, the pupils do not review the lessons because they prefer on-line activities; consequently, they do not study adequately. Moreover, workers fail in their jobs. The gamers become disorganized with their jobs because they do not sleep sufficient by gaming; then, they lost their employment. Not only that, player is unable to concentrate on their work because he is thinking about interactive games all day, so he do not satisfy company expectations. In conclusion, playing video games has several important drawbacks. They are decreased physical condition, play compulsively, isolating, and feckless. Parents should be more careful with the time their children are exposed to electronic games, and adults should try to maintain an active social life.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

7 Healthcare Jobs that Require No Experience

7 Healthcare Jobs that Require No Experience There’s no doubt healthcare is a booming industry, with tons of diverse well-paying jobs with good benefits and job security. You’re smart to want in. But what if  you don’t have any healthcare experience or educational background? Don’t fear:  not all healthcare jobs require it. Here are 7 healthcare jobs  in the industry that don’t require any particular prior experience or training to get hired. So go ahead, get your foot in that door.1. Home care aideWork in care facilities or in people’s homes assisting elderly and/or disabled patients with day-to-day functions and activities. You’ll be doing a lot of household labor, as well as interfacing with families, but you’ll start at just over $20k per year and get good training in the process.2. Medical assistantWork in a physician’s office or clinic- in any specialty- doing normal administrative duties plus some extra bookkeeping and records-keeping that are particula r to the field, plus assisting with minor medical duties and procedures. Great experience, great first opportunity, great starting salary (approximately $30k per year).3. Medical billerBasically handling the money- from patients, from insurers, and maintaining records. You can work in any number of health care facilities and settings, and make over $33k in your first year.4. Medical secretaryHelp manage a medical office. You’ll coordinate everything- from administrative duties, to supply ordering, to schedule keeping, communication, and liaising with doctors. You can choose from several different work environments and make over $32k per year.5. Nursing assistantWork as an assistant in nursing and patient care and get hands-on experience with patients working with trained staff. Help the pros with logistics and keeping patients comfortable while picking up valuable hours in the field. Expect to make between $25 and $26k per year.6. OT aideConsider working as an aide for an Occ upational Therapist in their offices or clinics, helping to rehabilitate patients with mental or physical impairments. You’ll work mostly handling equipment and administrative tasks, but you’ll gain great experience and make almost $32k per year.7. Psychiatric AideDo the incredibly good and hard work of helping patients who have been confined to mental health facilities. You’ll have tons of good patient care experience under your belt, make over $27k per year, and have done important work in the process.No matter where you’re starting out, you can always get started in the health care field. Just find yourself a suitable entry-level gig and start working your way up.

Monday, October 21, 2019

All flesh is grass Essays

All flesh is grass Essays All flesh is grass Paper All flesh is grass Paper All flesh is grass is a quote from the book of Kings in the bible. Initially it is difficult to see how this relates to biology. However it is possible to relate the two, especially when considering the relationship between flesh and grass, or plant and animal life. It is necessary to consider exactly what is meant by grass and flesh. All grasses are plants, and as such conform to specific biological criteria that define the difference between plant life and animal life e.g. the ultrastructure of their cells, respiration and photosynthesis. Flesh is defined as soft muscular tissue found in animals. It is crucial to mans existence that the relationship between the earth and human life is examined, both the bible and biology attempt to understand how such a delicate balance of life on earth is maintained. Grasses are one of the most plentiful biological structures found on earth, with cellulose being the most abundant biological molecule. All grasses are essential sources of food for humans and animals alike. They offer important sources of vitamins and minerals. Key to the relationship between grass and flesh is that plants also contain the elements carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulphur. These five elements are essential in the production of protein within animals and thus vital to the development of flesh. Humans, like all mammals, employ holozoic nutrition to obtain nutrients from their food. There are five stages to holozoic nutrition: ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and egestion. 1. Ingestion: this is the physical act of eating, taking in the raw materials which animals need for survival. 2. Digestion: this is the way in which animals process the raw materials from ingestion. The molecules contained in the food are usually too big to be useful to the body to the body immediately. Therefore there is a series of hydrolytic reactions to break down large molecules in to smaller, more useful ones. Each of these reactions is catalysed by an enzyme e.g. Peptidases from the pancreas catalyse the breakdown of peptides to amino acids. It is during this stage that animals can gain access to the essential elements; Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Carbon, Oxygen and Sulphur, in plants necessary to the production of amino acids, proteins and ultimately muscle (flesh). 3. Absorption: after the food has been digested and the molecules are small enough to be used they are absorbed in the ileum. The molecules are diffused across the epithelial cells via a concentration gradient and for specific molecules via a pump system into the microvilli where they are transported away via the circulatory system. 4. Assimilation: this is the way in which the body incorporates and utilises digested food. Digested food molecules are carried around the body through the circulatory system: they may be stored for future use, such as fat and the formation of glycogen stores; they may be broken down further in respiration; may be used by cells for maintenance or repair; some molecules will be used for growth and development. Some of the molecules obtained from the ingestion of plant matter, specifically Nitrogen, will be used in the generation of new proteins, leading to the development of muscle. 5. Egestion: this is the way the body eliminates waste. Undigested food is not absorbed in the ileum; it passes through the body to be eliminated via the anus. After molecules have been absorbed they go on to be assimilated. Molecules are transported around the body by the blood. Eventually the blood will pass through the capillaries. Here interchange of molecules takes place, between the blood and the tissue fluid. Tissue fluid is the fluid that surrounds the cells in the body. The process of forming tissue fluid is similar to the process in the Bowmans capsule in the kidney; it is formed through ultra-filtration. At the arteriolar end of the capillary the blood pressure is approximately 40mm Hg, at this pressure water is forced out of the capillary. However, this is opposed by the osmotic effect of the plasma proteins, which is approximately 25mm Hg. As a result the outward force is the difference, about 15mm Hg. At the venular end of the capillary the blood pressure has dropped to about 10mm Hg, but the osmotic pressure has remained at 25mm Hg. Therefore a net inward of pressure of 15 mm Hg is created. This draws water back into the capillaries from the tissue fluid by osmosis. This process means that new tissue fluid is always being formed at the arteriolar end of the capillary, carrying glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, glycerol, minerals, dissolved gases and vitamins. Also waste from the cells is taken away at the venular end of the capillary. Some tissue fluid drains into the lymphatic system instead of going back into the blood. Once these molecules have been transported into the tissue fluid they can be taken up by the cells. For the development of muscle specific molecules are needed. Muscle growth is a specific from of protein synthesis that is brought about by the diffusion of testosterone into the muscle cell. The testosterone combines with a receptor in the cell and stimulates the protein synthesis process. Protein synthesis takes place in the ribosomes. Amino acids are brought to the ribosome by tRNA molecules. The enzyme peptidyl transferase catalyses the formation of the peptide bond and the polypeptide begins to form. Once the polypeptide is complete the chain is released. As proteins for muscle development are formed in the muscle cell they stay within the cell. Muscle cells are different to other cells. During muscle development the individual muscle cells, myofibrils, do not divide; they become thicker and longer. A myofibril may become up to 28 times larger than its original size before mitosis begins. Muscle cells are also multinucleated. It is thought that muscle cells benefit from being multinucleated as it allows them to carry out protein synthesis at a faster rate. This process from ingestion to muscle development continues, at varying rates, throughout an animals life. However just as important to the relationship between plants and flesh is what happens once the animal is dead. Dead animals contain organic nitrogen compounds as do faeces and urine. All plants need nitrogen as it is essential to the formation of nucleic acids and protein. However plants can only take up nitrogen in the form of inorganic ions, in the forms of NO3- (nitrate) or NH4+ (ammonia). The organic compounds left in the detritus are converted to inorganic ions by saprophytic bacteria and fungi; these are referred to as decomposers. These decomposers break down the organic compounds to release NH4+. When there is enough oxygen in the soil the decomposers will oxidise the ammonia to nitrates such as NO3- and NO2-. This process is known as nitrification. Nitrate ions produced in this way are available for uptake by plants. There is another way in which ammonia and nitrates are made available to plants. In the soil there are nitrogen fixing organisms known as diazotrophs. These are able to convert nitrogen gas into ammonia. This is a biological version of the Haber-Bosch process; however it is far more efficient and occurs at low temperatures and at atmospheric pressure, whereas the chemical equivalent requires temperatures of 300à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ to 500à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½, high pressures and an iron catalyst. The reaction for nitrogen fixation is catalysed by nitrogenase, an enzyme containing iron and molybdenum. These nitrate and ammonia ions are taken up by the plants through their roots. Many of the ions will be incorporated into organic compounds and used to synthesis amino acids. The plant is again forming a part of the food chain. It is primary producer; this means that it is viewed as food by both herbivores and carnivores. As the plant is ingested by the herbivores or carnivores, or as the herbivore is ingested by the carnivore the nitrogen and other essential molecules are being transferred on again. This is known as the nitrogen cycle. Although at initial thought it was difficult to understand how plants and flesh were related, or how the bible had anything relevant to say about modern science, it has become clear that the symbiotic relationship between plants and animals is crucial to the survival of not just human life on earth but of all life. Animals cannot survive without muscle, without the ability to move, and we cannot generate that muscle without nitrogen. We could not obtain nitrogen without plants, which in turn would not be able to obtain enough nitrates and ammonia if animal detritus was not converted to inorganic ions that they can use. Perhaps this interdependence should serve as a reminder to humans that we are not as powerful as we think we are, and we are still fundamentally part of a very complex web, that not one of us could survive without. Indeed all flesh is grass, we could not survive if it were not.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Definition and Examples of Reporting Verbs in English

Definition and Examples of Reporting Verbs in English In English grammar, a reporting verb is a  verb (such as say, tell, believe, reply, respond, or ask) used to indicate that discourse is being quoted or paraphrased. Its also called a  communication verb. [T]he number of  reporting verbs  that can be employed to mark  paraphrases  is around a dozen, author Eli Hinkel reported, and  they can be learned with relative ease while working on a writing assignment (e.g.,  the author says, states, indicates, comments, notes, observes, believes, points out, emphasizes, advocates, reports, concludes, underscores, mentions, finds), not to mention phrases with similar textual functions such as  according to the author, as the author states/indicates, in the authors view/opinion/understanding,  or  as noted/stated/mentioned. Tenses and Their Uses Most often, reporting verbs, such as seen in fiction to show dialogue, are in the past tense, because as soon as a speaker says something, it is literally in the past.   George Carlin illustrates this in this example of reported speech: I went to a bookstore and  asked  the saleswoman, Wheres the self-help section? She  said  if she  told  me, it would defeat the purpose. To contrast with  words spoken once, putting a reporting verb in the present tense is used to show an adage, something that someone has said in the past and continues to say or presently believes. For example: She always says how hes not good enough for you. Next, a reporting verb may be in the historical present tense (to refer to an event that took place in the past). The historical present is often used for dramatic effect or immediacy, to place the reader right in the scene. The technique should be used sparingly, so you dont create confusion, but its use can make for a dramatic lead to a story, for example. The year is 1938, the place, Paris. The soldiers smash shop windows and run through the street  and yell...   You also use reporting verbs in  the literary present tense (to refer to any aspect of a work of literature). This is because no matter what year you watch a particular movie or read a book, the events always unfold in the same way. The characters always say the same thing in the same order. For example, if youre writing on Hamlet, you might write, Hamlet shows his anguish when he speaks his To be soliloquy. Or if youre reviewing fantastic movie lines, you might write, Who can forget when Humphrey Bogart says  to Ingrid Bergman, Heres looking at you, kid  in Casablanca?   Dont Overuse Reporting Verbs When youre writing dialogue, if the identity of a speaker is clear from the context, such as in a back-and-forth conversation between two people, the reporting phrase is often omitted; it doesnt have to be used with  each line of dialogue, just enough times to make sure the reader doesnt get lost as far as whos speaking, such as if the conversation is long or if a third party interjects. And if the lines of conversation are short, using a bunch of he said she said gets distracting for the reader. Its more effective to leave them out in this instance. Overusing creative substitutions for, said can also get distracting for the reader. A reader goes by said quickly and doesnt lose the flow of the dialogue. Be judicious in using substitutions for said.   The line of dialogue belongs to the character; the verb is the writer sticking his nose in, wrote Elmore Leonard in  The New York Times.  But  said  is far less intrusive than  grumbled, gasped, cautioned, lied. I once noticed Mary McCarthy ending a line of dialogue with she asseverated, and had to stop reading to get the dictionary. Sources Teaching Academic ESL Writing. Routledge, 2004Elmore Leonard, Easy on the Adverbs, Exclamation Points and Especially Hooptedoodle.  July 16, 2001

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Plagiarism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Plagiarism - Essay Example one else’s language, ideas, or other original (not common-knowledge) material without acknowledg ­ing its source (Council of Writing Program Administrators, 2003). Nelson and Stepchyshyn have defined plagiarism as the use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as ones own original work (Stepchyshyn & Nelson, 2007). Plagiarism is not a new concept, passing off others’ writings and ideas as one’s own existed even before the internet came into existence. However, the easy access of a variety of materials has caused an increase in plagiarism and it has now become a great cause for concern for universities and academic institutions across the world. About two decades back, plagiarism did not have severe punishments or consequences. However, in today’s scenario plagiarism is very serious offence and can have numerous consequences that include expulsion from the academic institution or a job. Apart from that, the most serious consequence is that the loss of credibility of a writer. One key reason why students indulge in plagiarism could be lack of awareness. As Evan (2000) says, everyone seems to know that plagiarism is wrong, including those who commit the offence, but few know how to completely define it. Many students do not understand that even using their own previous works without citation is plagiarism. This increases the instances of unintentional or accidental plagiarism, where students are not aware of what qualifies as plagiarism. For some students, reproducing large chunks of others’ texts is a way of signalling they know of the existence of this information (Ryan, 2000). Therefore, it is clear that lack of proper awareness is one reason why there is an increase in plagiarism. Ensuring proper awareness and making the students familiar with the various aspects of plagiarism can make the students more conscious and thereby reducing the cases of unintentional plagiarism. Teaching appropriate

Friday, October 18, 2019

Critical Issues Module 1 Paper Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical Issues Module 1 Paper - Coursework Example Jim Hill understood aspects of the merger between the two companies. It required an intervention for each company to realize that working together was best for the growth of both companies. As a leader and a manager, Jim experienced resentment from the other company as the Boston based company handled the marketing. Indifferences between the modes of operation caused a drift in the profits hence hindering the growth of the two companies. While the Boston based company was interested in maintaining the merger, Jill knew that it would hinder the progress and growth of Vanguard (Atrill & Mclaney, 2010). Jim exemplifies some of the aspects of the active board member through holding a meeting with the aim of discussing the future of the company. He uses the interest of the members to gain a common ground of understanding on the success of the company. The investment company needed an increase in the health of the company through improving their financial statements. Hill knew that the siz e of the business and its complexity would produce complex financial statements. This was the case for Vanguard as it had subsidiaries in oversea companies (Firstenberg, 2009). The merger of two or more companies pros and cons which lie mainly in operations. A financial investment company like Vanguard plays a key role in ensuring its customers are satisfied. Merging the company comes with taking the time to make decisions on operations of the organization. The process of decision-making requires the consent of both companies. This is time consuming if the decision needs a fast approval. Jill required the presence of Bogle to make a decision on the company’s operational structures. It took him time before he could resolve an issue concerning the operation of the company (Firstenberg, 2009). Merging may turn to be a disadvantage when it comes to the share of profits and losses.

HR Strategic Planning MODULE 1 Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HR Strategic Planning MODULE 1 Discussion - Essay Example This explains why team work is emphasized in a business organization as its various units need to collaborate together for it to function. For example, the goal of marketing is integrated into manufacturing for the factory people realize the need of customer satisfaction. Information and knowledge are also shared through the various channels in the organization to promote cohesion, knowledge and skills across organization (Kahn and Mentzer, 1998). Departments may not be well verse in other functions of the business but they are aware that their output are needed by other departments and that they are also dependent on the output of others. One of the concrete example where the various department and functions intersect with each other is through a project which is increasingly becoming common in business organizations. Projects are typically composed of people in the organization from various departments with different background and skillsets working together in order to achieve the goal of the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Banking and Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Banking and Finance - Essay Example Globalisation has not only offered a whole range of opportunities to the corporate world, but the retail customer too has a whole range of options to carry out banking transactions. The banking industry too has implemented a wide range of strategies in order to make its services more attractive to the customers, while taking best advantage of the advancements in the IT. In this study an effort would be made to form a reliable strategic analysis about the banking industry in general with particular emphasis about the industry in Cyprus. Banking services in general are broadly of two types namely, retail banking and corporate banking or business banking. While retail banking serves the individual customer, Corporate Banking, as the name itself suggests, implies that the services are extended by banks and financial institutions towards fulfilling the diverse banking needs of the corporate world. The banking and financial services offered for local as well as global operations by banks forms the working capital of the companies. Different banks have different types of strategies to deal with corporate customers, but Tyler and Stanley (2001) emphasize that a strong inclination towards the use of personal relationship between banker and company client continues to be the cornerstone of this type of banking. In today's context such interactions become all the more crucial because more alternatives are available to the customers now. Banks and financial institutions also realize the heightened levels of competition and try to adopt as many customer friendly measures as possible to have good customer profile. The ongoing economic recession has had an adverse impact on the Cyprus economy as well. If recent reports are an indication, the economic activity in Cyprus is yet to see an upward trend. News reports indicate that despite some indications of revival in the economic conditions of rest of the European region, the Cypriot economy appear to see a full year of contraction (EIU, 2009). Slump in construction activity, falling investment spending and weak external demand are termed as major factors contributing towards this scenario. This might result in a challenging situation for the banking industry in Cyprus. 1.4. Banking Industry in Cyprus: PESTLE Analysis Tools like PESTLE and Porter's five forces analysis help in analyzing the overall situation prevailing in the market in an effective manner. PESTLE stands for political, economical, socio-cultural, technological, legal and ecological factors. It is

Assess the extend to which the merger between firms is in the interest Essay

Assess the extend to which the merger between firms is in the interest of both consumers and the firms - Essay Example This is always luxurious to the suppliers, who in a bid to keep the market under consideration will offer discounts and sale their supplies to the merged organization at a cheaper rate (Cooper, 2006). It is important to denote that the organization will not only benefit from discounted products, but it will also be able to easily access credit and finances from financial institutions cheaply. This is because of the increased size and capital base of the new organization. Another benefit of merger is that an organization is able to diversify its production and services. Take for instance, the merger between Pay Pal, and eBay. eBay is an online auctioneering firm, where as Pay Pal is an online payment system (Foster, 2010). On this basis, eBay is able to diversify the production of its services that is provision of online auction services, as well as providing services in online payments. Another important benefit of a merger is an increase in the market share of the new firm/ organization (Shenfelter and Hosken, 2010). For instance, the failed merger between Daimler and Chrysler was to help the two organizations increase the share of their markets in the United States, and Germany as a whole. This is by taking advantage of the distribution channels that the two organizations commanded. Another benefit of a merger is that they result to improving the image of a company under consideration (Cooper, 2006). This is because mergers and acquisitions normally get huge media coverage, as a result, the companies can take advantage of this, to outline their policies, and also market their products. A company that experiences a merger will also manage to increase the value of its stock, and this is because of the perception that the new entity formed will be profitable (Foster, 2010). For instance, the merger between US Airways, and the American Airlines was able to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Banking and Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Banking and Finance - Essay Example Globalisation has not only offered a whole range of opportunities to the corporate world, but the retail customer too has a whole range of options to carry out banking transactions. The banking industry too has implemented a wide range of strategies in order to make its services more attractive to the customers, while taking best advantage of the advancements in the IT. In this study an effort would be made to form a reliable strategic analysis about the banking industry in general with particular emphasis about the industry in Cyprus. Banking services in general are broadly of two types namely, retail banking and corporate banking or business banking. While retail banking serves the individual customer, Corporate Banking, as the name itself suggests, implies that the services are extended by banks and financial institutions towards fulfilling the diverse banking needs of the corporate world. The banking and financial services offered for local as well as global operations by banks forms the working capital of the companies. Different banks have different types of strategies to deal with corporate customers, but Tyler and Stanley (2001) emphasize that a strong inclination towards the use of personal relationship between banker and company client continues to be the cornerstone of this type of banking. In today's context such interactions become all the more crucial because more alternatives are available to the customers now. Banks and financial institutions also realize the heightened levels of competition and try to adopt as many customer friendly measures as possible to have good customer profile. The ongoing economic recession has had an adverse impact on the Cyprus economy as well. If recent reports are an indication, the economic activity in Cyprus is yet to see an upward trend. News reports indicate that despite some indications of revival in the economic conditions of rest of the European region, the Cypriot economy appear to see a full year of contraction (EIU, 2009). Slump in construction activity, falling investment spending and weak external demand are termed as major factors contributing towards this scenario. This might result in a challenging situation for the banking industry in Cyprus. 1.4. Banking Industry in Cyprus: PESTLE Analysis Tools like PESTLE and Porter's five forces analysis help in analyzing the overall situation prevailing in the market in an effective manner. PESTLE stands for political, economical, socio-cultural, technological, legal and ecological factors. It is

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Juror Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Juror - Term Paper Example The jury should decide the facts in the case and then apply the facts to the law. For all the Americans, trial by a jury is a basic constitutional right. The paper underscores the importance of getting a fair juror, who are capable of listening to the evidence presented and deciding the case based on facts rather than emotion. One may be summoned for one of the three core kinds of jury service, namely: a Grand juror, a State Grand Juror, or a Petit Juror. Juries are mainly comprised of people from all walks of life (intended to mirror the community) and does not require educational or skill requirements. Jurors are expected to remain impartial throughout the trial, weigh the evidence presented to them, and apply the law in an attempt to reach a verdict. Some people dislike the civic duty of being a juror and find all manner of excuses to disqualify themselves from this duty. In most case, requests to be excused are rarely granted, especially those based on religious beliefs, status, moral beliefs, and professional status (Sunstein, 2002). Most people cite inconvenience to a prospective trial juror; nevertheless, this not a legal reason to be excused from jury service though this may warrant postponement. Potential jurors are essentially picked from various sources such as voter registration list, identification cardholders, and lists of licensed drivers. Hence, some people do not understand the difference between â€Å"evidence† highlighted in the media and evidence presented during the trial. This presents difficulties especially when such people are selected to be jurors during a trial (Waldrep, 2010). In the first episode, the prosecutor (Gerald Lewis) presents his version of event where he depicts Singh as a psychopath. The victim’s family threatens the accused on his arrival in court, and later opts to influence the jurors. In the course of the second episode (The Jury (ITV1)), Marcia receives a phone call directing her that, for the sake of her family, it would be advisable for her to vote "guilty." In episode 3, Marcia continues to receive threats and informs the judge on the unfortunate developments; nevertheless, she agrees to stay on; the judge indicates that if any other juror is adversely influenced, he will call for a retrial. These scenes demonstrate the challenges associated with being a juror. Discussion Surveys conducted by American Bar Association have demonstrated that, three out of four Americans are confident in the jury system as the fairest way of determining whether the defendant is guilty or innocent in criminal cases. Jurors should weigh lawyers’ arguments, evidence, as well a witness testimonies presented to reach a decision; nevertheless, this does not prevent the possibility of being impacted by their life experiences, which may create a bias towards either side. The trial judge presides over the trial and outlines what laws apply. The judge instructs the jury as the proper law in every ca se. Although, there are claims that a jury can â€Å"nullify† the law, such a perception come out as legally inaccurate and severely prejudices the application of justice. Jurors who may disregard the trial judge’s instructions have contravened their oath. Once the jury has arrived at its verdict, the presiding juror fills in and signs the verdict form. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia held that the jury possesses an â€Å"unreviewable and irreversible power†

The Third ; Final Continent Themes Essay Example for Free

The Third ; Final Continent Themes Essay Everybody feels he must get to the top. Dont expect an English cup of tea. Car horns, shrill and prolonged, blared one after another. Flashing sirens heralded endless emergencies, and a fleet of buses rambled past their doors opening and closing with a powerful hiss, throughout the night. The noise was constantly distracting, at times suffocating. ) The Indian immigrants fear of losing his own culture. In 1969, when I was thirty- six years old, my own marriage was arranged. The fact that he had an arranged marriage proves he doesnt want to lose his culture and go the Western way. 3) The methods of steps of copying to a new culture and a new life in America. In a week I had adjusted, more or less. I ate cornflakes and milk morning and night, and bought some bananas for variety, slicing them into the bowl with the edge of my spoon. In addition I bought tea bags and a flask, which the salesman in Woolworths eferred to as a thermos (a flask, he informed me, was used to store whiskey, another thing I had never consumed). For the price of one cup of tea at a coffee shop, I filled the flask with boiling water on the way to work each morning, and brewed the four cups I drank in the course of the day. I bought a larger carton of milk, and learned to leave it on the shaded part of the windowsill, as I had seen other residents at the YMCA do. To pass the time in the evenings I read the Boston Globe downstairs, in a spacious room with stained-glass windows. I read every article and advertisement, so that I would grow familiar with things, and when my eyes grew tired I slept. Questions 1) Explain how the narrators last visit to Mrs. Croft is significant. Give two reasons. Support your answer with the phrases/words. The narrator and his wife, Mala, had visited Mrs. Croft one last time. During this visit, Mrs. Croft acted as an icebreaker. She broke the tension between Mala and the narrator. Ever since Mala arrived, the narrator saw her as a part of his life, a duty. At the visit, Mrs. Croft asked the narrator question, which led to him answering with, Splendid! This caused Mala to laugh and Mrs. Croft wondered who she was. After a slight introduction, Mrs. Croft replied with, She is a perfect lady! causing Mala and the narrator to look at each other and smile. The moment with Mrs. Croft, was described by the narrator as the moment when the distance between Mala and me began to lessen. 2) Explain the title of the short story. The title shows that the narrator could survive life on three continents, while adapting perfectly. This title means to show readers that feats can be accomplished f they are set out to be. If the narrator could survive on three continents, then people for the narrator to finally adapt in America. 3) Depict how the narrators relationship with Mala evolved. The writers relationship with Mala first started out as tense. He felt that his marriage was like a job, something he had to wake up to and live with for the rest of his day till he went to sleep, and the cycle continued for as long as they were married. There was no feeling or love, it was Just a step taken by Indians in order to feel secure in their lives. It was their sense of security in the world, and marriage was their way of dealing. When Mrs. Croft exclaimed that Mala was a perfect lady I think both the narrator and Mala realized that if Mrs. Croft could learn to accept something new so quickly, then they could learn to embrace a new relationship. And so, the eventually fell in love, gotten used to each other, and led a happy marriage with a son who lived up to his Bengali parents expectations which sticking to the Indian culture, even all the way at Harvard.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Should Nurses Be Allowed to Diagnose Patients?

Should Nurses Be Allowed to Diagnose Patients? Nowadays, the more controversial is the question as whether nurses should be allowed to diagnose patients? This issue is highly significant because nurses are equally responsible for patient care as do doctors and their knowledge can contribute towards appropriate diagnosis. However, Croasdale (2008) claimed that nurses have limited diagnosing skills. Here the essential point on which I differ is that, today nurses are more knowledgeable and competent health care professionals. Thats why they have potentials to diagnose patients. Thus, I propose that as nurses possess great potentials so they should be allowed to diagnose patients. Opponents of my view argued that nurses are considered subordinate to doctors. Sullivan Decker (2008) stated that Relationship of physician and nurse has been that of superior and subordinate. This in turn means that, nurses are supposed to adhere to doctors order. This prestige comes from the point that only doctors are allowed to diagnose. Godlee (2008) contends that, diagnosis is almost the only skill that defines doctor. Additionally, history taking and assessment in logical fashion is the key principle to make pertinent diagnosis. For which doctors are trained and knowledgeable. Furthermore, their education is more advanced than nurses, which help them to achieve this task. Thus, it can be affirm that nurses are responsible for caring patients while doctors cure them. Whereas, I strongly believe that, nurses are not subordinate to doctor. In fact, both are independent professionals who collaborate to achieve similar goals. As Murphy (2004) clearly pointed out that nursing is an independent profession with a unique body of knowledge and not simply a subcategory of medicine. In reality, nurses in their everyday practice also implement a logical process for history taking and assessment which ultimately guides diagnosis. For example, since the day nurses step in this profession, they are practicing history taking, interviewing and assessment skills. Moreover, nursing education has also expanded now and advance concepts are part of their curriculum. Today, nurses are also actively participating in researches to make their practice evidence based. Furthermore, the circle of nursing education does not complete at diploma or baccalaureate level while, career in nursing is flourishing day by day and nurses are moving ahead towards specialization. Therefore, on one hand, care is the core component of nursing. While on the other hand, it provides them the means to cure as well. Fox (2010) is the supporter of my opinion who asserted that Nurses can handle much of th e strain that healthcare reform will place on doctors and should be given the authority to take on more medical duties It is generally accepted that, people are more satisfied with doctors. This is because of the worldwide recognition associated with this profession. Doctors are the fundamental provider of health care. Moreover, it has been observed that in our society people consider doctors as superior to them. And in case of illness they immediately rush to doctor. Likewise, during my experience at emergency department, I have seen that as soon as patients reach, they want doctor to see them first. And many of them seemed satisfied after that. This was the reason, allowing nurses to triage patients was questionable. Hence, it is true to say that patients trust doctors and reveal more history to them comparatively to nurses. However, relating to these arguments is the critique that patients are more satisfied with nurses. Yet, there is no denying that doctors are recognized worldwide but, the point that profession of nursing is also globally renowned cannot be overlooked. People consider nurses as core member of health care team. As Laurence (2004) supported that Nurses are more popular than doctors as frontline providers of medical care. Besides that, nurses stay with patients for a longer period of time. Hence, patients trust and build rapport with them. Payne (2009) explains that Nursing was one of the few professions to gain an increase in public trustà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Doctors saw a drop of 4% in public confidence in the last two years. This clearly shows that, patients trust nurses more than doctors. This allows patients to disclose even those details to nurses which they hesitate to communicate to doctors in short meeting. Thus, it provides nurses an opportunity to identify patients concerns and make appropriate diagnosis. As far as triage nursing is concerned, initially it was questionable but once implemented, it became successful than the former. This example clearly illustrates that nurses with their capabilities can satisfy patients. Hence, nurses can become successf ul if they are allowed to diagnose. Cernik Ferns (2006) claimed that doctors are the ultimate decision makers and patients are their legal responsibility. According to this argument, the responsibility to diagnose comes under doctors mandate because they are licensure for that. Therefore, they are held legally responsible as any error or an act of negligence can lead to legal implications for them. Nurses, so this argument goes, are also legally responsible and answerable for their actions in court of law. For instance, if the patient dies due to wrong diagnose, so it is not only a doctor but the organization is sued and in such circumstances, doctors and nurses both are liable. Moreover, doctors are licensure to diagnose but the same is true for nurses in particular that, in UK and USA, there are nurse practitioners who are allowed to diagnose independently and treat patients. Considering the above arguments, is the point that competent nurses by virtue of an essential member of health care team should be allowed to diagnose patients. As, they are regarded as the backbone of health care industry their knowledge can benefit patient to a greater extent. Nurses, being good decision maker based on their knowledge and experience as well as legally responsible health care professionals can bring positive outcome in health care. In my opinion, if nurses are prohibited to diagnose, then their capabilities would get suppressed. As well as, this can predispose to increase chances of misdiagnoses and eventually errors will arise. Hence, society at large can benefit if the nurses are empowered for that. Word count: 1005

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Phipps Plaza Mall Analysis :: essays research papers

Mall Analysis: Phipps Plaza How exciting malls are in terms of architectural and interior design! Just by going around the heart of any major city and seeing new steel and glass structures stretching towards the sky, many people may feel that shopping malls are a perfect destination for a combination of shopping and entertainment. As the largest city in the Southeast, Atlanta along with its vast history and historical museums, also offers the region’s largest selection of shopping opportunities. Among these shopping opportunities is the Simon Property Group. Simon Property Group is the US's number 1 shopping mall owner and one of the nation's largest publicly trade real estate companies ( It owns some of the area's better known malls, including Lenox Square, Phipps Plaza and The Mall of Georgia.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Perhaps these could be the reasons that Phipps Plaza was chosen to be one of the most luxurious designed mall in Atlanta area. It boasts a diverse array of men’s and women's apparel shops, specialty retailers and dining opportunities, in addition to a 14-theater movie complex. Phipps Plaza affords shoppers opportunities to buy everything from fine jewelry at Tiffany & Co. to high-tech home electronics at Bang & Olufsen Of Atlanta; from crystal pigs at its sophisticated Ross-Simons to state-of-the-art athletic footwear at Niketown. Sports fans and even the most casual athletes who have yet to visit a Niketown store might want to take advantage of this store's many accessories. Part museum, part retail outlet for all things Nike, each Niketown is a monument to marketing like no other, specially located at Phipps Plaza. Target Market: Walking through the mall I noticed that the target market was mainly high-end customers and people who where not worried about spending a little more for a great product. There were a lot of galleries and the atmosphere was very sophisticated with marbled floors and stained wood accents that gave the overall appearance of catering to professionals as well as young adults. There were a few stores for men, but the majority of the stores were focused more towards women, with also some children stores. Tenant Mix: There was a great mix of stores, from men and women’s apparel like Chico’s, Parisian, The Gap, Bebe and Gucci to decorative accessories like Frontgate and Jewelry stores like Tiffany & Co. The overall Tenant mix consisted of over 100 upscale stores that catered to those who were looking for unique items not carried by other chain stores. Phipps Plaza Mall Analysis :: essays research papers Mall Analysis: Phipps Plaza How exciting malls are in terms of architectural and interior design! Just by going around the heart of any major city and seeing new steel and glass structures stretching towards the sky, many people may feel that shopping malls are a perfect destination for a combination of shopping and entertainment. As the largest city in the Southeast, Atlanta along with its vast history and historical museums, also offers the region’s largest selection of shopping opportunities. Among these shopping opportunities is the Simon Property Group. Simon Property Group is the US's number 1 shopping mall owner and one of the nation's largest publicly trade real estate companies ( It owns some of the area's better known malls, including Lenox Square, Phipps Plaza and The Mall of Georgia.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Perhaps these could be the reasons that Phipps Plaza was chosen to be one of the most luxurious designed mall in Atlanta area. It boasts a diverse array of men’s and women's apparel shops, specialty retailers and dining opportunities, in addition to a 14-theater movie complex. Phipps Plaza affords shoppers opportunities to buy everything from fine jewelry at Tiffany & Co. to high-tech home electronics at Bang & Olufsen Of Atlanta; from crystal pigs at its sophisticated Ross-Simons to state-of-the-art athletic footwear at Niketown. Sports fans and even the most casual athletes who have yet to visit a Niketown store might want to take advantage of this store's many accessories. Part museum, part retail outlet for all things Nike, each Niketown is a monument to marketing like no other, specially located at Phipps Plaza. Target Market: Walking through the mall I noticed that the target market was mainly high-end customers and people who where not worried about spending a little more for a great product. There were a lot of galleries and the atmosphere was very sophisticated with marbled floors and stained wood accents that gave the overall appearance of catering to professionals as well as young adults. There were a few stores for men, but the majority of the stores were focused more towards women, with also some children stores. Tenant Mix: There was a great mix of stores, from men and women’s apparel like Chico’s, Parisian, The Gap, Bebe and Gucci to decorative accessories like Frontgate and Jewelry stores like Tiffany & Co. The overall Tenant mix consisted of over 100 upscale stores that catered to those who were looking for unique items not carried by other chain stores.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay on Sophocles Antigone - Antigones Fatal Flaw :: Antigone essays

It is clear that Creon's tragic flaw was his pride, arrogance and beliefs of a leader that cause his downfall. His downfall began when he denied the burial of Polyneices and was firm when he condemned Antigone for her objection to his law. Creon represents the laws of the land and the divine ruler of society. He remains loyal in upholding his laws and trying to overpower the laws of the gods, until the end when he realizes that the divine laws are stronger than his own. His regards for the laws of the city cause him to abandon all other beliefs. He feels that all should obey the rules set forth by him, even if other beliefs, moral or religious, state otherwise. This is proven when he says, "As long as I am King, no traitor is going to be honored with the loyal man. But whoever shows by word and deed that he is on the side of the State-he shall have my respect while he is living and my reverence when he is dead" (40). This proves that no one should disobey his rules even if the people that he rules for thinks his morals are wrong. But no one wants to speak out or stand up to Creon because they all fear him and afraid to loose their life going against his words. But Antigone isn't afraid of Creon or the consequences that faces her if she goes against his ruling. Creon knows that Antigone would not back down, she shows him that she is not afraid of the consequences but yet still he wants to prove himself that his word is law even if the gods advised him that he would loose everything important to him. Creon is in a position of great power, influence and responsibility. The extent of his power is quite clear when he sentenced Antigone to death for disobeying his order. Antigone's reasons for burying her brother were simply the fact that she was demonstrating her love, honor, and loyalty to her family. However, the reason Creon is furious is that he feels insulted that Antigone openly and publicly disobeyed him. He was also inflamed that she was his niece and his son Haemon fiancé. It is known that in ancient times when a man's authority is threatened, especially by a woman, his ego is irreparably damaged. Creon being a new king wants to prove his abilities as king.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Miracle League of El Paso

Introduction There are thousands of children who play sports in the communities on facilities supported by residents through their tax dollars. The Miracle League of El Paso provides disabled children and young adults in our communities who cannot participate in a sport on a conventional field with a place to play baseball. The Miracle League of El Paso removes the obstructions that stop children with disabilities off the baseball field and allows them to experience playing the field. The main obstruction for disabled children starts from the natural grass fields.The Miracle League of El Paso is about building self-esteem, making new friends, and confidence. The Miracle League of El Paso applies a â€Å"buddy† system – coupling each player with a peer volunteer to help the players. The Miracle League of El Paso's strategic plan is to work closely with the Junior League of El Paso, Inc. and partnerships with the public leaders, and follow their directions, establishing a possible benefactor record. The short-term goal is the planning for an accessible, adaptable playground for the back area of the field.The Miracle League of El Paso plans to advertise and campaign to raise the needed $350,000 for the construction of the playground. The Miracle League of El Paso The Miracle League of El Paso is a non-profit organization that continues to grow with the community and the development through the innovative process of change within time. The nonprofit organization has developed a mission statement designed to motivate and encourage future success and permanence. The Miracle League of El Paso's mission is â€Å"to provide recreational opportunities to persons with disabilities, regardless of their abilities† (â€Å"The Miracle League Of El Paso†, 2013).The mission statement is positive, motivational, and long-term that definitely gives the nonprofit organization to strive towards. The mission statement helps develop the nonprofit organizati on as a resource that would be used by anyone who was doing research or just asking a question in general. The mission statement allows The Miracle League of El Paso to use any means possible to organize information (The Miracle League Of El Paso, 2013). There are thousands of children who play sports in the communities on facilities supported by residents through their tax dollars.The Miracle League of El Paso provides disabled children and young adults in our communities who cannot participate in a sport on a conventional field with a place to play baseball. The Miracle League of El Paso, and the community can provide the disabled children with an chance to experience the benefits from playing baseball. Even though the facility is built the Miracle League of El Paso continues to need support to sustain it (The Miracle League Of El Paso, 2013). The Miracle League of El Paso removes the obstructions that stop children with disabilities off the baseball field and allows them to exper ience playing the field.The main obstruction for disabled children starts from the natural grass fields. The Miracle League of El Paso teams play on a custom-designed, rubberized turf field that provides accommodation for wheelchairs and self-assured devices while preventing harm (The Miracle League Of El Paso, 2013). The Miracle League of El Paso is about building self-esteem, making new friends, and confidence. The Miracle League of El Paso applies a â€Å"buddy† system – coupling each player with a peer volunteer to help the players. The result from the buddy system is a bond that cannot be expressed.The buddy is there to protect the player. To assist the player in running, batting, and to be a long term friend for the whole season. Parents, relatives, siblings, and friends of players know their children's disability and therefore are encouraged to be the child's buddy. Buddies can start from the age of 12 and up (The Miracle League Of El Paso, 2013). The Miracle Le ague of El Paso caters to children who have a medical condition from any mental or physical disabilities, such as ADHD to cancer, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, and autism. â€Å"According to the 2000 Census Bureau’s states there are 5. million children in our country that have disabilities between the ages of five and 19, and with young adults the number increases substantially. † (Miracle League, 2013). Teams are divided by age and ability, which means that it is possible to have children from a wide range of ages on the same team if they play at a similar mental and physical level. There are three divisions of play, non-competitive, intermediate, and competitive. The difference is the teaching of regular baseball fundamentals in the competitive division. In non- competitive every child bats, runs, and last batter scores a home run.Intermediate division is in the middle of non-competitive and competitive division (Miracle League, 2013). The Strengths of the Mira cle League of El Paso is the ability to reach out to disabled children no matter their age is to become involved in a recreational sport such as baseball that schools, and little league teams would not include a disabled child. The main advantage of the Miracle League of El Paso is that this League is the only one of its kind in El Paso. The weakness of the Miracle League of El Paso is that the location is the only location for the park, and many children come from all parts of El Paso.A few children live in New Mexico. Because of the economy's situation many parents or relatives are not able to travel two times a week, especially if the park is 27 miles from their home. The Miracle League of El Paso needs to advertise through the social media more (Rivera, 2013). Opportunities for the Miracle League of El Paso is to advertise in the social media such as twitter, Insta-gram, T-mobile, Verizon, television, etc. Collaborate with other nonprofit organizations to help each other out wit h whatever is needed for each organization to sustain in today's economy.The Miracle League of El Paso needs to partner with the school district bus systems for transportation from each districts area to transport the children to and from Ponder Park for activities (Rivera, 2013). Threats for the Miracle League of El Paso is the downfall of the economy. Because of tough times, and a rise in unemployment it is hard to donate for the cause. Volunteers, coaches, and parents may begin to drop from attending and may not be able to pay for registration of their child along with uniforms. Trends for the Miracle League of El Paso would be to add onto Ponder Park with more recreational activities.The all inclusive playground. Another trend would be to add a Recreational center for additional activities to be added to Ponder park such as yoga, aerobics, dance classes, etc. (Rivera, 2013). Although the SWOTT analysis may be used for the external and internal environment, it may still have the organization's thinking remain in the same place rather than evolve and grow. With this the three circles analysis comes in to play. Everything that has been questioned to add on to the Miracle League of El Paso, and the areas that prohibit players and siblings to attend are the main concerns of the customers and the beneficiary's.The nonprofit organization needs to question if they are succeeding in their beliefs, distinctiveness, what should be provided, effectiveness and what to add to the values for the beneficiaries (Rivera, 2013). The Miracle League of El Paso's strategic plan is to work closely with the Junior League of El Paso, Inc. and partnerships with the public leaders, and follow their directions, establishing a possible benefactor record. Substantiate expenses of projects and create an official financial plan counting in-kind contributions. Plan meetings with potential organizations to establish possible field, and facility lease agreements.The Miracle League of El Pas o formed a website for the main way of corresponding what they are doing and who they are. Educate the residents and businesses throughout El Paso County about the Miracle League of El Paso through the public awareness support, public discussions, and speaking arrangements. Investigate innovated ideas for flourishing upcoming events and constant endowment raising to ensure future success (The Miracle League Of El Paso, 2013). The short-term goal is the planning for an accessible, adaptable playground for the back area of the field.The Miracle League of El Paso plans to advertise and campaign to raise the needed $350,000 for the construction of the playground. The playground will be created for mental and physically disabled children of all ages to play in an environment that children and their families can play together, regardless of their abilities. The playground will promote inclusive play by concentrating on convenience for age, developmental suitability, and sensory-stimulatin g activity that makes a superior partner for The Miracle League of El Paso (The Miracle League Of El Paso, 2013).The Miracle League of El Paso needs to increase the number of committed volunteers and coaches to downscale the number of players on each team. Seek additional volunteers from boy scouts, girl scouts, high schools that need so many hours of community work for graduation, surrounding schools, universities, church groups, civic organizations, YMCA, YWCA, retired community, etc. . Seek additional community partnerships (The Miracle League Of El Paso, 2013). An opportunity for the Miracle League of El Paso is to advertise in the social media such as twitter, Instagram, T-mobile, Verizon, television, etc.Collaborate with other nonprofit organizations to help each other out with whatever is needed for each organization to sustain in today's economy. The Miracle League of El Paso needs to partner with the school district bus systems for transportation from each districts area to transport the children to and from Ponder Park for activities (Rivera, 2013). The Miracle League of El Paso does not have a transportation system for disabled children and families, which inhibits them to get to each game or event at the Miracle field location.The Miracle League of El Paso will propose a partnership with the school districts of each area that disabled children are located in to help transport the children for each game. The Miracle League of El Paso can propose to use their umbrella general liability insurance for safety precautions during the use of the school district bus system. If the school district bus system could not partner with the Miracle League of El Paso, the Miracle League will try to establish a partnership with Sun Metro for specific days and times for the families and participants of the Miracle League of El Paso.To help raise money for the Miracle League of El Paso throughout the years a run/walk event for the cause will be established as well as possible future sponsors and partners to increase recreational activities for the Miracle League of El Paso. The grand strategy for the Miracle League is to partner with one major construction company, Hunt's construction company, in El Paso, Texas. Partnering with Hunt Construction Company will inaugurate the construction of the all inclusive playground for disabled children and their families.The Miracle League of El Paso will only ask to partner with Hunts Construction Company because will allow only for the full press and advertisement of one main construction company, along with the company logo on all participants, family members, and buddy t-shirts. The Miracle League of El Paso will also ask to have the television news broadcast the development of the all inclusive playground for advertisement of the construction company as well as the Miracle League of El Paso for future participants.One major functional tactic is that the Miracle League of El Paso's responsibility is to ha ve the CEO-Founder-Executive Director, Sandra Olivar to be devoted to the mission, and goals of the Miracle League of El Paso while preserving inflexible values and the highest principles of superiority. Sandra Olivar must be devoted to increase the resources required to construct and maintain the mission, and goals. Sandra Olivar must generate an atmosphere in which volunteers remain engaged and ommitted to the constant requirements of the organization. Sandra Olivar must incorporate a better understanding to the volunteer staff increasing the role in the organization’s mission and goals (Peace & Robinson, 2011). Because Sandra Olivar is the main director she has first-hand knowledge for the basis of schedules, strategic control, developing budgets around new events, and trigger points for the organization. Sandra Olivar is a powerful asset to the organization.Sandra Olivar has a powerful motivational connection with the beneficiaries and especially can connect with the volu nteers and beneficiaries through a reward system motivating them to further accomplish future goals for the organization (The Miracle League of El Paso, 2013). Sandra Olivar is the main non-paid volunteer operating the daily events of the League. Sandra Olivar’s responsibilities are to make sure that members register every season. Sandra Olivar must keep tabs on the increase and decrease of program fees and payments, which this year has increased to a 95% rate (The Miracle League of El Paso, 2013).Sandra Olivar must make sure that contributions and sponsorships have increased or dropped for the year, which for this year has dropped by 65% (The Miracle League of El Paso, 2013). The Miracle League of El Paso entails approximately $55,000 per season. The Miracle League of El Paso has sustained 300 players and intends to increase that rate substantially once the advertisement of the all inclusive playground has been initiated. Because of the drop of volunteer coaches the Miracle League of El Paso is training older disabled players.The trained coaches must have had at least three years of experience with the Miracle League. This action will help increase the volunteer coaches for the increase of disabled children teams (The Miracle League of El Paso, 2013). The functional tactic of time horizon gives the organization a focal point of implementing the grand strategy today instead of five years from today. The forecasted time horizon for this implementation of the all inclusive playground is one year. Time horizon also allows the leaders of the organization to adjust to any changes or conditions that may occur through the implementation period.Participants of the organization are the key developers to develop the implementation plan of the all inclusive playground. Sandra Olivar must involve operating volunteers with first-hand knowledge of what needs to be implemented to achieve the short-term goal of the playground. Plus, once the commencement of the playgro und has begun, other events must be catered to, which all volunteers, including Sandra Olivar must be involved (Peace & Robinson, 2011). Sandra Olivar will promote policies for the volunteers and participants formally and informally. Policies promote people to act.Formal written policies will be distributed to each volunteer and participant with instructions to read and fully understand what is asked and instructed for a safe environment as well as a prosperous one. If there is any misunderstanding of the policies Sandra Olivar will be available at any time to help. Informal briefings of the policies will be held twice a month among everyone in a group not only to inform the volunteers and participants of changes, but also to engage everyone to give ideas and support for future implementations (Peace & Robinson, 2011).The Financials for the Miracle League of El Paso were given to Cindy Rivera from Sandra Olivar. Sandra Olivar has asked that Cindy Rivera keep most of the information private because of the confidentiality of specific policies and sponsors (The Miracle League of El Paso, 2013). ANNUAL REVENUE & EXPENSES Fiscal Year Starting: Jan 01, 2011 Fiscal Year Ending: Dec 31, 2011 REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE $99,799 EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENSES $12,177 The contributed revenues are as follows: CONTRIBUTED REVENUE Scholarship Donations$125 Team Sponsorships$4,500 Individual and Corporate Donations$22,158TOTAL CONTRIBUTED REVENUES$26,783 The earned revenues are as follows: EARNED REVENUES Registration Fees$5,375 Merchandise Sales$1,305 Field Concession$48,067 Fundraising UTEP Concession$6,083 Bike Run & Car Show$1,348 Comedy Show Tickets$650 Baby Pageant$1,000 Walgreen's$3,500 Easter Basket Sales$850 Macy's$650 Miscellaneous Income$4,188 Subtotal-Earned Revenues $73,016 The forecasted campaign to raise money for the all inclusive playground is as follows: Campaign Goal $350,000 Campaign Dates Dec 2012-Dec 2014 The forecasted campaign to promote future donations and spons ors is as follows: Campaign Goal 100,000 Campaign Dates Dec 2012-Dec 2014 The risk management plan for the Miracle League of El Paso is to enhance and support activities in all parts designed for disabled children and young adults. The risk management plan ensures that the plan is a primary part of the Miracle League of El Paso's decision-making process. The Miracle League of El Paso will use a prearranged risk management method to reduce logically probable financial, physical, or legal impairment to people, disturbance to procedures, and harm to the surroundings and material goods.The Miracle League of El Paso will classify and obtain gain of prospects as well as reducing unfavorable outcomes. The Miracle League of El Paso will educate the group to execute risk management successfully. The Miracle League of El Paso will attempt repeatedly to advance the risk management procedures (The Miracle League of El Paso, 2013). Sandra Olivar is responsible to the organization for the executi on of the risk management procedure and finally in charge for the risk management in the group. All volunteers and participants are accountable for supervision risks in their part.Sandra Olivar will have a diverse outlook of safety to that of a referee or player (The Miracle League of El Paso, 2013). The endeavor of any risk management arrangement is to help the organization to recognize possible risks to its functions and widen corrective measures that will reduce, eliminate, and control the danger connected with those dangers. To make effective decisions, Sandra Olivar must assess and take steps to control certain dangers and their impact (The Miracle League of El Paso, 2013). To conclude, the risk management plan must be successful, it should become part of the Miracle League’s traditions.Risk management must be incorporated into the Miracle League’s operating actions, attitude, strategic plans, and should grow to be the accountability of each person in the Miracle League of El Paso. We cannot change or cure the medical issues life has dealt our children with disabilities. What we can do is provide them what an opportunity to experience the joy and benefits which comes from playing baseball and other recreational sports and activities available (Rivera, 2013). References Barney, J. B. (2007). Gaining and sustaining competitive advantage (3rd ed. . Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Mintzberg, H. , Ghoshal, S. , Lampel, J. , & Quinn, J. B. (2003). The strategy process: Concepts, contexts, cases (4th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Pearce, J. A. , II, & Robinson, R. B. (2011). Strategic management: Formulation, implementation, and control (12th ed. ). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. The Miracle League of El Paso. (2013). Retrieved from http://miracleleagueofelpaso. com Miracle League. (2013). Retrieved from www. miracleleague. com

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Sports Psych Evaluation on” We Are Marshall”

We Are Marshall We Are Marshall is movie about the Marshall University football team of 1970, who almost all died in a plane crash coming home from an away game. The only members of the team that remained were the players left at home because of injuries, and one coach who drove home because of a recruiting trip. Normally Sports Psychologist could find things to work on with any team but with a new coach coming in to rebuild the program who just suffered an unruly loss the issues are heightened by the pain, struggle, and stress to win for those who could no longer play.The Marshall Heard struggled with adapting and accepting different leaders, having the motivation to win even though they were all mainly freshman playing against teams of mostly juniors and seniors, the new and old players working together to have a common goal , sticking together and developing team cohesion and, honoring the other players. There were so many things this team had to overcome to find the common will t o win. Cooperation was a main concept that the Heard had to achieve in order to have success at anything after this tragedy.Not only did they have to get their teammates to cooperate with each other and the new coaching staff, they also had to get cooperation from the student body and the school board. After the plane crash the school board decided that it will be best for everyone if they suspend the following season and give the school time to grieve and get back to normal. When the remaining players heard about this they decide to rally the school together to get the board to allow them to play the following season.They got the student body to chant, â€Å"We are Marshall,† outside of the meeting of the school board when the final decision was being made to not have a season. With the cooperation of all of their peers the Heard was allowed to continue on with the season as previously planned. Before we even get in to cooperation with the entire team these few players remai ning had to present a common goal to the student body and organize an event so that they school would allow the team to have a season so they could honor their teammates in the following season.A big struggle with this program was having strong leadership, and following the leadership. The players who were left had to deal adjusting from being just part of a team to leading a new team of freshman. They had their times when leading was tough for them, Ruffin a player who was left at home because of a shoulder injury stepped up and became the main captain and leader of the team. Ruffin had times where he didn’t lead by example and because he felt like the new players did not respect his former teammates he blew up and picked a fight.Later on in the movie Ruffin’s shoulder injury returns and worsens, he is told that he cannot play the second half of the game. Although many players would sulk in there injury Ruffin showed his true colors and his leadership ability when he went out in the second half and was his team’s biggest cheerleader. He did everything he could to help his team out even though he would not benefit from it. Ruffin led his team with pride and he expected the team to play to the best of their ability to honor the players from the previous year who could no longer play.Also in We Are Marshall the president filling in since the true president of the University also died in the plane crash as well, lead the school and had faith in the new coach and the team to turn things down although he was getting criticized for it. He approved hiring a new coach and for the recruiting to start, he got the NCAA to make an exception to the rules stating that freshmen could play so they could have a team. He lead by example and did everything he could to help the football program. When the town and some board members questioned his decisions he stood by them and did what he believed to be the right thing to do.Motivation was very important for this team. The players who remained from the year before were motivated by their friends, coaches, and teammates they lost. These players felt a sense of duty to these players that they needed to play well and get things back together for their teammates who could no longer play. These upper classmen and the coaching staff had a hard time getting this type of motivation in to the new players. Ruffin and other returners had times where they tried to get the freshmen to understand what they were working towards but the freshmen just didn’t have the same loyalty and connection to the old team. According to Vlachopoulos, athletes with high intrinsic motivation have better self-appreciation and are more successful in their activities compared with their intrinsically less motivated mates† (Bollok, Takacs, Dobay & Kalmar, 2011)You could see this, because Ruffin had an internal motivation to play to the best of his ability to honor his teammates who died, he had more of a driv e to do well and he expected everyone else to do their best too. The coaching staff saw this struggle as ell, they could see that the whole team was not motivated to get the job done. Before one game the coaches had the team meet them at the memorial of six players who lost their lives and were too badly deformed after the crash to identify who they were who had been buried together because â€Å"They are still a team,† said Dr. Aldred P. Wallace in an article from The Herald newspaper after the accident . There he talks to them about what happened and how those players literally gave their lives to do what rest of them were doing.This pep talk stirred up something in the boys and that night they won their very first game. Along with the trip to the cemetery also came group cohesion. When the coaches talked to the team about what happened with the team before them and got the new players to have respect and feel a tie to the players who were no longer alive the group gelled b etter. Once the whole team respected the passed players and coaches they found a common goal. Watching this film the game after the trip to the cemetery was so different than what had been shown previously.Once this group found their cohesion and common goals they succeeded. The dynamics of this team differed from any other team in the NCAA at the time. At this time it was against NCAA rules to allow freshmen to play. As if being the youngest team competing in the NCAA at the time wasn’t enough of a challenge, as previously stated they had some players who had a lot of respect for the former players and those who figured they didn’t know them so they didn’t really matter. Team members and team dynamics have to depend on and support each other to accomplish a shared goal†(Chandel 2) without good team dynamics it makes it a lot harder to get your goal achieved. Obviously every team has differences on it but usually not things that could set them back as bad as these could. Being the youngest team to take the field came with all sorts of challenges, lack of experience, smaller players, and less maturity. At the beginning these new kids had little respect for others and what had happened, this caused a divided team.Once the team was all on the same page and they got their differences sorted out they performed well, better than anyone expected. Communication is key in any team sport, but when players have baggage and built up frustration and aggression it is even more important. The remaining players had some held in frustration for a number of different reasons resulting from the plane crash. This came out at random times such as, during practice, in the locker room, and even in the dorm.Not only was communication needed on the field it was needed outside of football. If the remaining players could have better communicated their feelings about the crash with their new teammates and got them to understand what they were going through they may not have had so many problems becoming a team as they did in the beginning. Once the importance of the players of the 1970 team was understood by the freshmen they worked with their upperclassmen better. They had a mutual understanding of what needed to be done and why and this helped them succeed.In the movie We Are Marshall a team must overcome the challenges of having a completely new team and coaching staff as well as the challenges a coach and a few players have in dealing with the loss of the rest of the football program. Every sports team has to adjust each year to maybe a few coaching changes or new freshmen coming in but to have to rebuild an entire new program is completely different. The Heard of Marshall faces issues anywhere from team cohesion to leadership changes. New players have to step up to help the new coach out and the coaches have to try everything they can think of just to keep the team from killing each other.This movie is one of the greatest stories of a team overcoming adversity and coming together. ASHVIN M. CHANDEL Role of Group Dynamics in Team Sports, : Indian Streams Research Journal (June ; 2012) Bollok, S. , Takacs, J. , Dobay, B. , & Kalmar, Z. (2011). External and internal sport motivations of young adults. Biomedical Human Kinetics, 3(1), 102. Retrieved from http://versita. metapress. com/content/J27L830PG4223742 Withers, B. (1970, November 16). The crash. The Herald- Dispatch. Retrieved from http://media. herald-dispatch. com/mucrash/index. php? p=1_61